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UFI Church Ministries

Find your place in ministry

Adult Students

Christian Education

'Life-Changing Bible Study at UFI provides a place of discovery for all ages providing a sound educational bases for all God’s people to grow and thrive.

Community Outreach

We are committed to finding as many opportunities possible to serve our community.  Our mission of "Community above self" extends beyond our walls and out into the community in which we serve.

Therapy Session
Bag of Organic Fruits and Vegetables

Food Pantry

Providing people with the necessities such as food, and toiletries when supplies are available.

Music Ministry

Singing Praise and Worship songs unto the Lord is a joy that helps those who are sad or in pain, and encourages those who are happy.

Piano Keys
Prayer Group

Discipleship Academy

Discipleship Academy focuses on Christian life development and is designed to be more than another Bible study. Discipleship Academy helps believers become more Christ-like in their daily living and develop a deeper knowledge of and commitment to Christ in all aspects of their lives. United Faith International Baptist Church provides development and support not only to our members but to our Community and other churches, as well

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Trustee Ministry

The Trustee Ministry manages the material possessions and oversees the financial matters of the church with spiritual guidance. The church's physical property, financial obligations and all other assets are the responsibility of the Trustee Ministry. Trustees enable the execution of God’s mission through stewardship and individual spiritual gifts. Acting as one body, the Trustees provide direction, leadership, facilities, processes, capability and capacity to help further God’s word.

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Brick Wall

Ushers Ministry

The Ushers Ministry is devoted to helping usher God's people into the building as well as maintain an atmosphere of reverence and order before, during and after the service

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Multi-Media Ministry

The Media Ministry communicates the message of Jesus Christ and supports the Pastor’s vision to reach the congregation, local community and beyond. Members of the ministry are trained to operate and maintain equipment and perform various other functions. The ministry develops and produces audio and video resources of weekly worship services, most church programs and ministry-sponsored events for members, visitors and sick and shut ins.

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Portfolio Web Design
Man Praying

Men's Ministry

At United Faith International Baptist Church we strive to transform ordinary men into extraordinary disciples of Jesus Christ. The mission of the United Faith International Men's Ministry is to reach men with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through prayer and relationships. Our goal is to challenge men to examine their lives and be obedient to Christ. United Faith International Baptist Church Men's Ministry is all about challenging men to connect to God and other men at home, work, and church. The foundation of United Faith International Baptist Church Men's Ministry is our monthly Men's breakfast where our men come together to eat a large breakfast and then enjoy a time of interaction, music, prayer, and dynamic and practical message for men.There is a wide variety of activities for men of all ages. Breakfasts, Men's Night Out, special outings, father/son activities, retreats, accountability groups, are just some of these types of events scheduled throughout the year for fellowship, encouragement, and accountability.

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Childrens Ministry

At United Faith International Baptist Church our mission is to train up lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ who do great things for God's kingdom

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Children Reading the Holy Bible
Women in Chuch Robes

Women's Ministry

Sister to Sister Ministry is a wonderful opportunity for the women of United Faith International Baptist Church to join together in fellowship and growth. Sister to Sister meet every 2nd Saturday of each month. Meetings include Bible Studies, gust speakers, crafts, outings and more! Once a year we sponsor a marvelous Sister to Sister banquet, participate in the Women of Faith conferences, and have retreats to get away and recharge

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New Members Ministry

New members academy focuses on Christian life development and is designed to be more than another Bible study. New Members Academy helps believers become more Christ-like in their daily living and develop a deeper knowledge of and commitment to Christ in all aspects of their lives. Beginning the first Sunday of each month United Faith International Baptist Church provides a four week class for new members

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Image by Kelly Sikkema
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